Friday, December 27, 2013

Zombies VS Human

I recently watch a movie called "Warm Bodies".

It's a story about a Zombie, which only left with 0.1% of human conscious, fall in love with a human girl.

The more this Zombie interact with the girl, the more human he (it) became. Eventually, his heart start beating again and his blood started to flow again. He has transformed from a monster to human.

Interestingly, I had a friend, who were from a Monster family which they care for each other in a unique way, the Frankenstein way. Feeding each other rubbish is a form of showing care and love.

This friend of mine, due to interact with a motivational speaker and some fantastic human being, she started to change..... to be a human again.

And now, she is more human then ever. She had dreams, goals and aspiration. Zombies don't have dream. Zombies are happy with the zombies way. Enjoy the day, and worry about tomorrow..... when tomorrow came.

She started to shy away from her Frankenstein family. and forgotten that she was one of them.

The Frankenstein way is the "wrong" way. What is the right way?

What I learn many years ago, there are not right way or wrong way. The WAY is determine by what the person perceive. What the Frankenstein see as love, by feeding a human rubbish, is what they did and what they do.

How could a human consume the rubbish that was fed? If you respect them, EAT IT. If you love them, EAT IT. If you want a life that is admirable, balance and fulfilled, EAT IT. BUT DON'T SWALLOW.

For that, you were once a Zombie!

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Story of Rocky Balboa

If you go youtube and google for "The story of Rocky", you will be able to hear an amazing story of the journey of a famous hollywood star, Sylvester Stallone. Sylvester, since young, doesn't want to fall for a life that is "ordinary". He knew that he is special. As a result, he doesn't want to fall for an ordinary job. One day, he go and watch a boxing match of the legendary boxing champion, Muhamad Ali, and got so inspired by the match that he immediately came out with a (what he think) fantastic scribe...... The story of ROCKY. The story has been bought by movie producer, and he is invited to be the key actor (Rocky)and rich and fame follows.....
A summarized story makes success look so EASY..... In actual fact, if you listen to Tony's talk about how much challenges Sylvester faces:

 1. Due to lack of a stable job, Sylvester have to lend money from friends, relatives. As soon as you do that, your friends and families will shy from you.

 2. At a point of his life, he had to pound his wife jewelry. His wife left him.

 3. When he run out of money, and have no more choice, he sorted for the last option: To pound his beloved DOG.

 4. When he got his script, he taught, that's it! that's my ticket out! and started to sell, push and promote his ROCKY script. He got rejected, not once, not 5, but close to 100 times before finally someone agreed to offer him a small sum of money. Sylvester is stupid, stubborn. He want to be ROCKY.

And this has pissed off the producer.

He is so committed that the producer, after many round of negotiation, give in to his request.

Do you think you can sustain the pain? of rejection by friends, families, wifes, strangers, colleagues? Can you give up your family? your beloved pets for the sack of SUCCESS? FAME? WEALTH? PURPOSE OF LIFE?

How many blow can you take? How many rejection are you willing to face?

Many of us won't.

That's why many of us remain ORDINARY!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Motivation is not enough!

Success is said to be 90% motivation and 10% skill. What it take is some "inspiration" to start moving toward success, do something extra everyday, have a clear purpose and you will reach the desire "success" as defined by you. However, do not underestimate the skill set that required to be successful. It could be sales skills, financial skills, management skills, interpersonal skills and so on. Without the 10% skill set, it's still hard work to achieve the desire goal. I like to use the metaphor of "motivation" = inner strength. "skill" = outer strength.