Sunday, September 27, 2015

I killed a mosquito

I was sitting at a corner of my house and "yee......" I saw a mosquito flying bye. Guess what's my natural respond? you are right..... slam..... the mosquito died.

Sometime ago, I have this realization: MOSQUITO SUCKS BLOOD IN ORDER TO REPRODUCE. It's their duty to bite us, and if they doesn't suck our blood, their species will extinct. They are risky their life in order to feed themselves. As a human being, we are on opposite ground. We seek to destroy them with our advance weapon. Can't we be more gentle to this little creature?

Coming back to today's experience. I slam the mosquito out of instinct, without careful consideration. Am I sure this mosquito have bitten me before? I am sure this mosquito haven't bitten me before. Am I sure this mosquito WILL bite me? I don't know. I am taking "preventive" measure. It's my excuse.

The fact is, I generalize things. Mosquito is a MUST KILL species whenever I saw them. Regardless of innocent or guilty, I must destroy at first sight. Can it be that this particular mosquito is a vegetarian that only drink fruit juice and milk? Can it be that this particular mosquito is actually a kind hearted abnormal mosquito that do good not only to it's species but MANKIND? Who cares......

I realize, I generalize things, and we generalize things. Be it religion, politics, race, sex, etc. We generalize things. As long as people that are not at the same side as yours, it is guilty, dirty and ugly. and we seek to disagree, defame or destroy the other side, just like a mosquito.

Next time when you see a mosquito, and try to slam it, before you do it, give the mosquito a chance, for it's just doing it's nature in order to survive.

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